一般財團法人東方學會 本文へジャンプ


 第六十輯 No. 60 昭和55(1980)年 7月31日刊行
○論文 (Articles)
宇野茂彦 (UNO Shigehiko): 直躬説話の成立・展開とその背景 (The formation, development, and background of the “Chih Kung” legend)

田中麻紗巳 (TANAKA Masami): 何休の災異解釈について (He Hsiu’s interpretation of disaster (tsai) and extraordinary phenomena (i) )

長広敏雄 (NAGAHIRO Toshio): 宿白氏の雲岡石窟分期論を駁す (On professor Su Pai’s views on the periodization of the Yün-kang cave temples)

市川桃子 (ICHIKAWA Momoko): 元結「舂陵行」考――詩人の文学精神と政治理念との関わりを中心に (A study of Yüan Chieh’s poem “Ch‘ung-ling hsing”: Particularly on the relations between the poet’s literary aspirations and his political ideas)

山本達郎 (YAMAMOTO Tatsuro): 敦煌発見大暦四年手実に見える地段の記載 (The description of the plots of land found in the family rolls (shou-shih) of the fourth year of Ta-li (769) from Tun-huang)

末木恭彦 (SUEKI Yasuhiko): 朱熹と道教をめぐる一側面――『陰符経考異』考 (One aspect of Chu Hsi’s attitude toward Taoism: A study of the Yin-fu ching k‘ao-i)

水野正明 (MIZUNO Masaaki): 『新安原板士商類要』について (On the Hsin-an yüan-pan shih-shang lei-yao)

中道邦彦 (NAKAMICHI Kunihiko): 清代の海島政策――浙江省玉環山の場合 (Islands policy of the Ch‘ing dynasty: In the case of Yü-huan-shan of Chekiang province)

饒 宗頤 (JAO Tsung-i): 信陽長台関編鐘銘の跋 (On the inscription on the Pien-chung excavated at Ch‘ang-t‘ai-kuan, Hsin-yang)

○海外東方学界消息(59) (Notes on Eastern studies abroad (59) )
榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo): ボクサー教授の業績 (Professor C. R. Boxer, a pageant of Luso- Asiatic and Luso-Brazilian studies)

全 漢昇 (CH‘ÜAN Han-sheng): 香港における中国経済史研究 (Studies in Chinese economic history in Hong Kong)

○座談会 「先学を語る」 ――小島祐馬博士 (Reminiscences of the late Dr. Ojima Sukema (1881-1966): His personality and scholarly achievements as a pioneer in the study of Chinese philosophy)
  〔出席〕 内田智雄 (UCHIDA Tomoo)・重沢俊郎 (SHIGEZAWA Toshio)・西田太一郎
       (NISHIDA Taichirō)・ 森三樹三郎 (MORI Mikisaburō)・貝塚茂樹 (KAIZUKA
       Shigeki)・鈴木成高 (SUZUKI Shigetaka) 平岡武夫 (HIRAOKA Takeo)、
       〔紙上参加〕木村英一 (KIMURA Eiichi)

○辻直四郎博士追悼録 (In memoriam Dr. Tsuji Naoshirō)
  榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)・田中於菟弥 (TANAKA Otoya)・原 実 (HARA Minoru)・
  大地原 豊 (ŌJIHARA Yutaka)・岩本 裕 (IWAMOTO Yutaka)

○編集後記 (editorial note): 榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)

 第五十九輯 No. 59 昭和55(1980)年 1月31日刊行
○論文 (Articles)
谷野典之 (TANINO Noriyuki): 女媧・伏羲神話系統考 (The lineage of the myth of Nü-wa and Fu-hsi)

池田知久 (IKEDA Tomohisa): 淮南子の成立――史記と漢書の検討 (The textual formation of the Huai-nan-tzu as seen through the study of the Shih-chi and Han-shu)

内野熊一郎 (UCHINO Kumaichirō): 通常底本とされる通志堂本釈文に現はれた漢魏呉三国時代学人の 経・子音義私考 (On the phonetic characters (yin-i fan-ch‘ieh hsing 音義反切形) used by the scholar of Han, Wei and the Three dynasties in the T‘ung-chih-t‘ang pen Shih-wen)

興膳 宏 (KŌZEN Hiroshi): 『宋書』謝霊運伝論をめぐって (On “Hsieh Ling-yün chuan- lun” in the Sung-shu)

古賀昭岑 (KOGA Akimine): 北魏の部族解散について (On the disorganization of the tribal communities carried out by the Northern Wei dynasty)

斉藤 茂 (SAITŌ Shigeru): 劉禹錫「金陵五題」詩について――懐古の詩としての位置づけを中心に (On Liu Yü-hsi’s verse “Chin-ling wu-t‘i”: Principally on its position as a retrospective verse)

大槻信良 (ŌTSUKI Nobuyoshi): 論語集註における皇疏参酌の態度 (Reference to Huang K‘an’s commentary in Chu Hsi’s Lun-yü Chi-chu)

藤井 宏 (FUJII Hiroshi): 輟耕録「釈怨結姻」説話の新研究――「転質」の解釈を中心と して (A new study of a tale “Shih-yüan-chieh-yin”: Centering on the interpretation of the term chuan-chih)

杉山寛行 (SUGIYAMA Hiroyuki): 李卓吾の論理 (Li Cho-wu’s views on desire)

○第29回東方学会全国会員総会講演・研究発表要旨 (Summary of the lectures and research reports delivered at the Tōhō Gakkai’s 29th Annual General Meeting)
  井上光貞 (INOUE Mitsusada)・田村実造 (TAMURA Jitsuzō)・佐藤智水 (SATŌ Chisui)・
  末木恭彦 (SUEKI Yasuhiko)・田代和生 (TASHIRO Kazui)・大塚秀高 (ŌTSUKA Hidetaka)・
  森川哲雄 (MORIKAWA Tetsuo)

○海外東方学界消息(58) (Notes on Eastern studies abroad (58) )
榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo): 近刊中央アジア史研究入門書 (Some introductory works to the study of Central Asian history recently published)

入矢義高・小川環樹 (IRIYA Yoshitaka & OGAWA Tamaki): 欧米の中国文学研究の動向 (Recent trends in American and European studies on Chinese literature)

○座談会 「先学を語る」 ――箭内 亙博士 (Reminiscences of the late Dr. Yanai Watari (1875-1926) : His personality and scholarly achievements as a pioneer in the study of Oriental history)
  〔出席〕 青山公亮 (AOYAMA Kōryō)・植村清二 (UEMURA Seiji)・桑田六郎 (KUWATA
       Rokurō)・駒井義明 (KOMAI Yoshiaki)・前嶋信次 (MAEJIMA Shinji)・箭内健次
       (YANAI Kenji)、 〔紙上参加〕 松田寿男 (MATSUDA Hisao)

○編集後記 (editorial note): 榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)

 第五十八輯 No. 58 昭和54(1979)年 7月31日刊行
○論文 (Articles)
佐伯 富 (SAEKI Tomi): 山西商人の起源と沿革 (The origin and history of Shan-hsi traders)  

末次信行 (SUETSUGU Nobuyuki): 〓字考――殷代武丁期卜辭にみえる麦栽培について (A study of the ideographic form 〓: Barley (or wheat) cultivation inferred from a reading of pu-t‘zu (oracle inscription) of the Wu-ting period of the Yin dynasty)  *(〓=甲骨文字: 麦)

中鉢雅量 (CHŪBACHI Masakazu): 古代神話における楽園――黄泉を中心として (Paradise in ancient myths: Particularly on Huang-ch‘üan or the Yellow Spring)

佐藤 保 (SATŌ Tamotsu): 高楼のうた――詩的イメージとしての楼: 唐以前の場合 (Poems of high tower: Some remarks on the lou tower as poetic images in the pre-T‘ang times)

山内春夫 (YAMAUCHI Haruo): 李白「王昭君」詩における「払玉鞍」について (A study of the expression “fu-yü-an”appearing in the poem by Li Po versifying the hapless fate of Wang Chao-chün)

星 斌夫 (HOSHI Ayao): 膠莱新河考 (A study of the history of the Chiao-lai-hsin-ho)

花登正宏 (HANATO Masahiro): 『古今韻会挙要』反切考――とくに反切上字について (A study of fan-ch‘ieh of the Ku-chin-yün-hui-chü-yao: Especially as to fan-ch‘ieh shang-tzu)

浜口富士雄 (HAMAGUCHI Fujio): 清学成立の背景について (The background of the formation of Ch‘ing scholarship)

木下鉄矢 (KINOSHITA Tetsuya): 戴震の音学について――その対象と認識 (On Tai Chen’s yin- hsüeh, study of sounds: The subject of his study and his recognition of it)

池上二良 (IKEGAMI Jirō): 満州語とツングース語――その構造上の相違点と蒙古語の影響 (Manchu and Tungus languages: Their discrepancies in construction and the Mongolian influence)

尾藤正英 (BITŌ Masahide): 荻生徂徠の思想――その人間観を中心に (Ogyū Sorai’s thought: With special emphasis on his view of man)

○海外東方学界消息(57) (Notes on Eastern studies abroad (57) )
中川 学 (NAKAGAWA Manabu): 哈仏大学燕京学社の春秋 (One academic year of the visiting scholars program at the Harvard-Yenching Institute)

○座談会 「先学を語る」 ――武内義雄博士 (Reminiscences of the late Dr. Takeuchi Yoshio (1886-1966): His personality and scholarly achievements as a pioneer in the study of Chinese philosophy)
  〔出席〕 小川環樹 (OGAWA Tamaki)・貝塚茂樹 (KAIZUKA Shigeki)・神田喜一郎 (KANDA
       Kiichirō)・武内義範 (TAKEUCHI Yoshinori)・吉川幸次郎 (YOSHIKAWA Kōjirō)・
       金谷 治 (KANAYA Osamu)

○編集後記 (editorial note): 榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)

 第五十七輯 No. 57 昭和54(1979)年 1月31日刊行
○論文 (Articles)
福井重雅 (FUKUI Shigemasa): 後漢の選挙における推挙の辞退 (The refusal of nomination in the hsüan-chü (the official appointment system) of Hou Han (the Later Han) China)

川本芳昭 (KAWAMOTO Yoshiaki): 北魏の封爵制 (On feng-chüeh-chih, the system of fiefs and titular ranks, in the Pei-Wei dynasty)

湯川敬弘 (YUKAWA Takahiro): 比較思想的関心よりの朱子学研究の課題――O. Graf 神父の朱子 学研究から (Problems in the study of Chu Hsi’s philosophy from the standpoint of comparative thought: Particularly on Rev. O. Graf’s studies)

山口久和 (YAMAGUCHI Hisakazu): 存在から倫理へ――王夫之『尚書引義』の哲学 (From existence  to ethics: Wang Fu-chih’s philosophy in his work Shang-shu- yin-i)  

加藤直人 (KATŌ Naoto): 清代起居注の研究 (A study of the Ch‘ing imperial diaries)

河田悌一 (KAWATA Teiichi): 清代学術の一側面――朱筠、邵晋涵、洪亮吉そして章学誠 (A side-view of the science in the Ch‘ing dynasty: Referring to such scholars as Chu Yün, Shao Chin-han, Hung Liang- chi, and Chang Hsüeh-ch‘eng)

後藤延子 (GOTŌ Nobuko): 王國維における哲学の挫折――その意味するもの (On the breakdown of the philosophy of Wang Kuo-wei and its significance)

伊東照司 (ITŌ Shōji): 薬師寺のドヴァーラヴァティー人 (Mural of Dvāravatī men in Yakushi-ji temple of Nara)

○海外東方学界消息(56) (Notes on Eastern studies abroad (56) )
菅野裕臣 (KANNO Hiroomi): 世界における朝鮮言語学の動向(1973~) (Recent trend of Korean linguistics in the world (1973‒) )

辻 直四郎 (TSUJI Naoshirō): K. Mylius教授近刊二著紹介 (Professor K. Mylius’s two works  recently published)

○座談会 「先学を語る」 ――村上直次郎博士 (Reminiscences of the late Dr. Murakami Naojirō    (1868-1966): His personality and scholarly achievements as a pioneer in the study of the history of Japanese-European relations)
  〔出席〕 岩生成一 (IWAO Seiichi)・中村孝志 (NAKAMURA Takashi)・尾原 悟
       (OBARA Satoru)・竹内妙子 (TAKEUCHI Taeko)・佐藤直助 (SATŌ Naosuke)

○編集後記 (editorial note): 榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)

 第五十六輯 No. 56 昭和53(1978)年 7月31日刊行
○論文 (Articles)
内山俊彦 (UCHIYAMA Toshihiko): 馬王堆帛書「経法」「十大経」「称」「道原」小考 (A brief study of the silk manuscripts unearthed at Ma-wang-tui, i.e., “Ching Fa,” “Shih Ta Ching,” “Ch‘eng” and “Tao Yüan”)

島森哲男 (SHIMAMORI Tetsuo): 馬王堆出土儒家古佚書考 (A study of the lost ancient Confucian work unearthed at Ma-wang-tui)

山本達郎 (YAMAMOTO Tatsuro): 敦煌発見の籍帳にみえる「自田」(続篇) (The meaning of the word tzu-t‘ien (own land) used for the description of plots of land appearing in the chi (family registers) or chi-chang (account book for taxation) found in Tun-huang and ascribed to the period of the chün-t‘ien land system (sequel) )

多田孝正 (TADA Kōshō): 十乗観法と十地について (T‘ien-tai’s tenfold way of insight and the Daśabhūmika-sūtra)

大塚秀高 (ŌTSUKA Hidetaka): 張生煮海説話の淵源再考――伝奇から話本へ (Reexamination of the origins of the story of Chang-sheng chu-hai : From “ch‘uan-ch‘i” to “hua-pen”)

片倉 穣 (KATAKURA Minoru): ベトナム李朝の上木馬の経緯について (A study of a term “thu’ o’ng moc mã” appearing in the literature of the Lý dynasty of Vietnam)

クリストフ・グラマン (Kristof GLAMANN) (訳) 生田  滋 (tr. IKUTA Shigeru): 近世の国際貿易と貴金属の流通に関する一考察 (Premodern international trade and the flows of precious metals)

クリストフ・グラマン (Kristof GLAMANN) (訳) 石井米雄 (tr. ISHII Yoneo): 日本銅と十七世紀ヨーロッパのパワー・ポリティックス (Japanese copper and European power politics in the 17th century)

仲田浩三 (NAKADA Kōzō): ジャワにおける初期シーマ定立の編年に関する研究 (Chronologi- cal studies on the early establishment of bounded free territories in Java (with a photo and a map) )

○海外東方学界消息(55) (Notes on Eastern studies abroad (55) )
玉井乾介 (TAMAI Kensuke): タイに於ける日本研究の現状 (The present state of Japanese studies in Thailand)

○座談会 「先学を語る」 ――和田 清博士 (Reminiscences of the late Dr. Wada Sei (1890-1963) : His personality and scholarly achivements as a pioneer in the study of Oriental history)
  〔出席〕 山本達郎 (YAMAMOTO Tatsuro)・市古宙三 (ICHIKO Chūzō)・岩生成一
       (IWAO Seiichi)・榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)・森 克己 (MORI Katsumi)・和田久徳
       (WADA Hisanori)

○編集後記 (editorial note): 榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)

 第五十五輯 No. 55 昭和53(1978)年 1月31日刊行
○論文 (Articles)
周藤吉之 (SUDŌ Yoshiyuki): 高麗初期の内侍・茶房と明宗朝の武臣政権との関係――宗の内侍・ 茶房との関連において (On the relationship of naesi and tabang officials of the early stage of the Koryŏ dynasty to the political power of the warrior retainers of the Myŏngjong reign: Making a comparison with nei-shih and ch‘a-fang officials of Sung China)

鉄 井 慶 紀 (TETSUI Yoshinori): 『老子』四十二章についての比較神話学的試論 (A study of chapter XLII of the Lao-tzu from comparative mythology)

太田辰夫 (ŌTA Tatsuo): 元刊本『看銭奴』考 (A study of the K‘an-ch‘ien-nu of the Yüan edition)

吉田金一 (YOSHIDA Kin’ ichi): 清軍が索倫部に留めた「兵将留守」について (On “Ping-chiang-  liu-shou” which the Ch‘ing army stationed at Solun)

松浦 章 (MATSUURA Akira): 杭州織造烏林達莫爾森の長崎来航とその職名について――康煕 時代の日清交渉の一側面 (A study of Ulin i da Mo-er-sen who visited Nagasaki in 1701)

江口久雄 (EGUCHI Hisao): 包世臣の鈔法論に関する一考察 (A study on Pao Shih-ch‘en’s opinion advocating the adoption of the paper currency system)

石破 洋 (ISHIBA Hiroshi): 都賀庭鐘の飜案態度――『英草紙』第三篇における琴を中心に (Tsuga Teishō’s attitude toward adaptation: Centering around koto appearing in the 3rd chapter of the Hanabusa sōshi)

小田寿典 (ODA Juten): トルコ語本 八陽経写本の系譜と宗教思想的問題 (Some problems on manuscripts of the Eight Lights Sūtra in Uighur)

○海外東方学界消息(54) (Notes on Eastern studies abroad (54) )
榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo): ミルスキイ著「オーレル=スタイン卿伝」を中心として (Some Central Asian biographies recently published, including J. Mirsky, Sir Aurel Stein, Archaeological Explorer)

○座談会 「先学を語る」 ――加藤 繁博士 (Reminiscences of the late Dr. Katō Shigeshi (1880-1946) : His personality and scholarly achievements as a pioneer in the study of Chinese history)
  〔出席〕 加藤 陽 (KATŌ Yō)・品川昭代 (SHINAGAWA Akiyo)・余村一雄 (YOMURA
       Kazuo)・青山定雄 (AOYAMA Sadao)・中嶋 敏 (NAKAJIMA Satoshi)・榎 一雄
       (ENOKI Kazuo)、 〔紙上参加〕 高橋琢二 (TAKAHASHI Takuji)・西川 寧
       (NISHIKAWA Yasushi)

○編集後記 (editorial note): 榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)

 第五十四輯 No. 54 昭和52(1977)年 7月31日刊行
○論文 (Articles)
三田村泰助 (MITAMURA Taisuke): 金の景祖について (A study of Ching-tsu of the Chin kingom)

田村実造 (TAMURA Jitsuzō): 遼代の画人とその作品 (On the painters of the Liao period and their works)
石田 肇 (ISHIDA Hajime): 新五代史の体例について (On the form (t‘i-li) of the new history of the Five dynasties (Wu-tai shih-chi or Hsin Wu-tai-shih)

伊原 弘 (IHARA Hiroshi): 南宋四川における定居士人――成都府路・梓州路を中心として (On the so-called “ting-chü shih-jen” in Ssu-ch‘uan during the Southern Sung dynasty: Centering around Ch‘eng-tu-fu-lu and Tsu-chou-lu)

小川 尚 (OGAWA Takashi): 明初の地方按治について (On the local inspection in the early Ming period)

田代和生 (TASHIRO Kazui): 十七世紀初頭における日朝貿易の形態――特に貿易仕法・取引 品目を中心に (On the form of the trade between Japan and Korea in the beginning of the 17th century)

波多野善大 (HATANO Yoshihiro): 天京攻略をめぐる人間関係――曽国藩を中心として (On human relations in connection with the capture of T‘ien-ching: Centering around Ts‘eng Kuo-fan)

松下 忠 (MATSUSHITA Tadashi): 古賀侗菴の詩文論と中国詩文論 (Koga Tōan’s literary view and Chinese theories on prose and poetry)

饒 宗頤 (JAO Tsung-i): 出土資料から見た秦代の文学 (On the literature of the Ch‘in dynasty as observed through unearthed materials)

○海外東方学界消息(53) (Notes on Oriental studies in foreign countries (53) )  
榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo): 支那関係古地図資料の集成と発現 (On newly collected and published cartographical materials related to old China)

清水宏祐 (SHIMIZU Kōsuke): イランにおける学術定期刊行物 (Academic periodicals published in Iran)

○座談会 「先学を語る」 ――小川琢治博士 (Reminiscences of the late Dr. Ogawa Takuji (1870-1941): His personality and scholarly achievements as a pioneer in the field of Oriental geology and geography)
  〔出席〕 吉川幸次郎 (YOSHIKAWA Kōjirō)・貝塚茂樹 (KAIZUKA Shigeki)・小川環樹
       (OGAWA Tamaki)・ 槙山次郎 (MAKIYAMA Jirō)・小牧実繁 (KOMAKI
       Saneshige)・森 鹿三 (MORI Shikazō) 宮崎市定 (MIYAZAKI Ichisada)・
       日比野丈夫 (HIBINO Takeo)、 〔紙上参加〕宮川善造 (MIYAKAWA Yoshizō)・
       太田喜久雄 (ŌTA Kikuo)

○山口益教授追悼 (In memoriam Dr. Yamaguchi Susumu)
  長尾雅人 (NAGAO Gadjin)

○編集後記 (editorial note): 榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)

 第五十三輯 No. 53 昭和52(1977)年 1月31日刊行
○論文 (Articles)
山本達郎 (YAMAMOTO Tatsuro): 敦煌発見の籍帳にみえる「自田」 (The meaning of the word tzu- t‘ien (own land) used for the description of plots of land appearing in the chi (family registers) or chih-chang (account book for taxation) found in Tun-huang and ascribed to the period of the chün-t‘ien land system)

越智重明 (OCHI Shigeaki): 一畝二百四十歩制をめぐって (A study of the one mu comprising 240 pu system)

栗原圭介 (KURIHARA Keisuke): 経書に見える燕私概念の形成を繞って (On the formation of the idea of Yen-ssu ritual in Chinese classics)

藤川正数 (FUJIKAWA Masakazu): 兼山・敬所の両荀子考と荀子雑志との関係 (A study of the relations between the two annotations of the Hsün-tzu by Kenzan and Keisho and the Hsün-tzu tsa-chih)

野口一雄 (NOGUCHI Kazuo): 『楽章集源流攷』 (A study of the Yüeh-chang-chi based on its wooden blocks)

阿部泰記 (ABE Yasuki): 李漁の反俗精神について (On the anti-philistine spirit of Li Yü)

伊藤漱平 (ITŌ Sōhei): 「程偉元刊『新鐫全部繍像紅楼夢』小考」補説 (A supplementary brief study of the Hsin-chüan-ch‘üan-pu hsiu-hsiang Hung-lou-meng)

呉 其昱 (WU Ch‘i-yü) (訳・注) 池田 温 (tr. & annot. IKEDA On): フランスにおける最近の敦煌文書研究 (The recent Tun-huang manuscript studies in France )

○書評 (Book review)
藤井省三 (FUJII Shōzō): “The Romantic Generation of Modern Chinese Writers” (Harvard East Asian Series 71, 1973) by Leo Ou-fan Lee(李欧梵) を評す (Leo Ou-fan Lee: The Romantic Generation of Modern Chinese Writers)

○海外東方学界消息(52) (Notes on Oriental studies in foreign countries (52) )
榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo): イタリア中東亜研究所のパキスタン・アフガニスタン・イランに おける考古学的調査(二) (完) (Archaeological researches in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran by Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (2) )

○座談会 「先学を語る」――市村瓚次郎博士(Reminiscences of the late Dr. Ichimura Sanjirō (1864- 1947): His personality and scholarly achievements as a pioneer in the study of Chinese history)
  〔出席〕 宇野精一 (UNO Seiichi)・栗原朋信 (KURIHARA Tomonobu)・市村其三郎
       (ICHIMURA Kisaburō)・ 市古宙三 (ICHIKO Chūzō)

○編集後記 (editorial note): 榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)

 第五十二輯 No. 52 昭和51(1976)年 7月31日刊行
○論文 (Articles)
内野熊一郎 (UCHINO Kumaichirō): 毛詩経典釈文中の「毛・鄭音切」に就て (A study on Mao-Cheng’s phonological notes and phonetic representation by characters (fan-ch‘ieh) in the fragments of the T‘ang copy of the Mao-shih shih-wen discovered at Tun-huang by Pelliot and Stein)

俣野太郎 (MATANO Tarō): 顔淵の短命説話をめぐって――論語の史実性への一つの試み (On the description that Yen Yüan died young: A study of the authenticity of the descriptions in the Lun-yü)

中村圭爾 (NAKAMURA Keiji): 九品官制における清官について (A study on ch‘ing-kuan in the Chiu-p‘in system for appointing government officials)

大島正二 (ŌSHIMA Shōji): 敦煌出土礼記音残巻について (On the Tun-huang fragments of the Li-chi-yin)

洪 順隆 (HUNG Shun-lung): 謝朓の作品に対する其の先祖の投影 (On his ancestor’s poetical  sense reflected upon the works of Hsieh T‘iao)

欠端 実 (KAKEHATA Minoru): 隋代の義倉について (A study of i-ts‘ang (charity granary) in the Sui period)

黒川洋一 (KUROKAWA Yōichi): 杜詩における摩訶薩埵の投影 (The influence of Mahāsattva exerted upon Tu Fu’s poetry)

大島 晃 (ŌSHIMA Akira): 邵康節の <観物> (Shao K‘ang-chieh’s idea of kuan-wu)

高橋盛孝 (TAKAHASHI Moritaka): エスキモーの民話とシャマニズム (Eskimo’s folktales and shamanism)

○海外東方学界消息(51) (Notes on Oriental studies in foreign countries (51) )
榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo): イタリア中東亜研究所のパキスタン・アフガニスタン・イランにおける考古学的調査(一) (Archaeological researches in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran by Instituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (1) )

○座談会 「先学を語る」 ――鈴木虎雄博士 (Reminiscences of the late Dr. Suzuki Torao (1878-1963) : His personality and scholarly achievements as a pioneer in the study of Chinese literature)
  〔出席〕 吉川幸次郎 (YOSHIKAWA Kōjirō)・鈴木脩蔵 (SUZUKI Shūzō)・倉田淳之助
       (KURATA Junnosuke)・ 中田勇次郎 (NAKATA Yūjirō)・小川環樹 (OGAWA

○編集後記 (editorial note): 榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)

 第五十一輯 No. 51 昭和51(1976)年 1月31日刊行
○論 文 (Articles)
古賀 登 (KOGA Noboru): 戦国・秦漢時代の土地・家族・村落都市制度を通じてみた古代中国人の思惟方法 (On the way of thinking of the ancient Chinese people as observed through the systems relating to land, family, village and cities in the Chan-kuo and Ch‘in-Han periods)

関口 順 (SEKIGUCHI Jun): 経学的思惟構造の分析――春秋公羊伝に即して (An analysis of Confucian classics’ way of thinking as observed through the Ch‘un-ch‘iu Kung-yang chuan)

楠山修作 (KUSUYAMA Shūsaku): 晋書食貨志の一考察 (A study on the chapter “Shih-huo- chih” in the Chin-shu)

由木義文 (YŪKI Yoshifumi): 天台智顗の仏身論 (A study of the Buddhology of Chih-i, the founder of T‘ien-t‘ai Buddhism)

砂山 稔 (SUNAYAMA Minoru): 月光童子劉景暉の反乱と首羅比丘経――月光童子識を中心として (On Yüeh-kuang t‘ung-tzu Liu Ching-hui’s rebellion and the Shou-luo-pi-ch‘iu-ching)

石井正敏 (ISHII Masatoshi): 渤海の日唐間における中継的役割について (On the intermediary role played by Po-hai between Japan and T‘ang China)

黒須重彦 (KUROSU Shigehiko): 紫式部における「露」考――漢文学の日本文学への内在化 (A study on tsuyu (dew) as used by Murasaki Shikibu: A case of infusion of Chinese classics into Japanese mediaeval literature)

宮下三郎 (MIYASHITA Saburō): 本草の「類」概念 (The lei conception found in the Pen-ts‘ao kang-mu 本草綱目)

窪 徳忠 (KUBO Noritada): 『四本堂家礼』に見える沖縄の中国的習俗 (Chinese manners and customs in Okinawa appearing in the Ssu-pen-t‘ang chia-li )

○海外東方学界消息(50) (Notes on Oriental studies in foreign countries (50)
吉川幸次郎 (YOSHIKAWA Kōjirō): 訪中余録――出版と書店と (Memorandum on my visit to China: On publications and booksellers)

羽 田 明 (HANEDA Akira): エリセエフ教授を悼む (In memoriam Dr. Serge Elisseeff)

羽田 明 (HANEDA Akira): 第十四回国際歴史学会議に出席して (Participating in the14th International Congress of Historical Science)

○座談会 「先学を語る」 ――羽田 亨博士 (2) (Reminiscences of the late Dr. Haneda Tōru (1882-1955) : His personality and scholarly achievements as a pioneer in the study of Central Asian and Northern Asian history (2) )
  〔出席〕 宮崎市定 (MIYAZAKI Ichisada)・吉川幸次郎 (YOSHIKAWA Kōjirō)・貝塚茂樹
       (KAIZUKA Shigeki)・羽田 明 (HANEDA Akira)・日比野丈夫 (HIBINO Takeo)・
       田村実造 (TAMURA Jitsuzō)

○鈴木俊先生追悼録 (In memoriam Prof. Suzuki Shun)
 吉川幸次郎 (YOSHIKAWA Kōjirō)・窪 徳忠 (KUBO Noritada)・池田雄一 (IKEDA Yūichi)

○編集後記 (editorial note): 榎 一雄 (ENOKI Kazuo)
